This is our new message series on Becoming a Disciple. We want to follow Jesus Christ but it can often be hard for us to evaluate how we do that concretely. At St. Albert the Great we will be using the acrostic CHRIST to help us grow as disciples of Christ. C stands for community since a disciple grows through participation in small faith sharing groups that help us to experience Christian community. H stands for Holiness since a disciple grows through prayer (especially in Adoration), the sacraments and healing. R stands for retreat since a disciple attends at least one retreat a year. I stands for invest since a disciple invests in their parish through service. S stands for share since a disciple seeks to share their faith with others. T stands for tithe since a disciple gives back part of the financial blessings that God has given to them.
Fr. Charlie
Una serie de homilías nuevas. Vamos a reflexionar por seis semanas en el tema de Cómo podemos crecer como Discípulos de Cristo. Vamos a usar un acróstico que se llama CRISTO en este camino de crecer como discípulos de Jesús . C significa compartir la fe con los demás. R significa retiros y la importancia de asistir a un retiro cada año. I significa involucrarse en pequeños grupos. S significa servicio en su parroquia. T significa tomar de lo tuyo y dar con sus finanzas a Dios. O significa oración y la importancia de orar a Dios en frente del Santismo, participar en los sacramentos y pedir sanación de Dios
Padre Charlie
September 10th 2023
October 1st 2023