The Diocese of Austin was Blessed to host the Blessed McGivney Relic. St Albert Knights of Columbus Council 10333 hosted the Relic of Blessed Michael J. McGivney, the Founder of the Knights of Columbus Order, on January 11, 2025. We also had a CUF ceremony adding 12 new brother Knight to our order. A Blessed Day indeed. Thank you to all that joined us on this Blessed occation.
The Knights of Columbus St. Albert the Great Council #10333 is a fraternal brotherhood of Catholic men who are members of the International Order of the Knights of Columbus. Their mission is to render service to our priests, parish and community and to promote charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The Knights of Columbus are involved in religious, social, educational and community service programs. The Knights also provide insurance programs for members and their families. Parish activities include rosary prayed before mass, mens retreats, barbecues, fish frys, parish festivals, blood drive and more. Men must be practicing Catholics and 18 years or older to join.
Our Council has once again been Awarded the Highest Honors a Council can obtain. Star Awards recognize outstanding achievement in membership, insurance, programming, and overall operations. Earning a Star Award is the marker of a high preforming Knights of Columbus unit and the goal to which every council, should strive. Congratulations to Our Grand Knight, our Officers and all our Members for a Great Job. (Picture Grand Knight Patrick Medina receives Star Award from District Deputy George Scott.
Our Fourth Degree Members spend time with their families at a recent Fall picnic. A great time to take a break and enjoy each others company. Food and camaraderie and fun were had by all.