Liturgical ministries are an essential requirement for the celebration of the 11 Masses each weekend at St. Albert the Great, as well as Daily Masses. These ministries include Hospitality Ministers (Ushers and Greeters), Altar Servers, Art and Environment, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Linen Care, Liturgical Technology, Music, and Sacristans. There truly is something for everyone and we invite you to consider investing your time and talent with your parish by serving as a Liturgical Minister!
INVEST in Your Parish by Serving as a Liturgical Minister
It takes many volunteer Liturgical Ministers to put on the 11 Masses we have each weekend at St. Albert the Great, as well as Daily Mass. There are over 10 different ways to serve. Many of these require no experience, only a willingness to hear God's call to invest in your parish home by serving as a Liturgical Minster. Click HERE and fill out the form to register for more information, or scan the QR Code: