Welcome to Social Ministry Servants of Hope at St. Albert the Great Catholic Church!
Community Outreach Activities for the Parish
Our Mission: Living out our Baptismal call, bringing the Good News of salvation to the poor through worship, formation and service guided by the Holy spirit.
Have you ever thought about how you can help others reach their full potential, especially our neighbors in need? You are in the right place! Social Ministry serves others by bringing Good News to the community and helping those who are struggling to make ends meet.
Please like, follow & engage with us on our FB page. Servants of Hope Social Ministry at ATX will share ideas on how you can make a difference with inspirational stories, events, prayers, and ways that you can serve our community!
See our Resources Page click here
or go to findhelp.org
- Black Bag Collection for St. Vincent de Paul 1st weekend every month
- Donate directly to the parish and designate the Social Ministry project